About Bilbo
Bilbo is a search engine that helps you find and borrow books from libraries around you. Our purpose is to make finding books and libraries around you as easy as possible in a fun and comprehensive way. Our name is inpsired by Bilbo Baggins, who is a bookworm character from the novels and movies The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
The Creators
Konstantinos Kotorenis
My name is Konstantinos or just Koto. I was born in the 15th of October 1998 and for the last 7 years I study Electrical and Computer Engineering. My main passion is photography and I love graphic and UI/UX Design a lot. I might not have watched Lord of the Rings, Bilbo stood out from the crowd and I think he as a bookwork fits a lot with our vision for the application.
Nikolas Filippatos
My name is Nikolas .Since 2019 I am studying Electrical and Computer Engineering. For work and hobbies I enjoy tinkering with programming . Like our beloved logo, I am a big bookworm myself !